Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 57

I'm on Chapter 2 of a book on how to shoot infrared, and the first thing I learned is that the filter I bought is far from the most desirable--although it was certainly the cheapest. Are you listening, Santa? The good quality filters cost about five to ten times what I paid. If I want to do more spontaneous or low-light infrared, apparently I need to have an old digital camera reconstructed for that purpose. I'll probably go with my low-quality filter for a while, just to see if I still like it by the end of the book. Here are two photos I took at the neighbors' Christmas tree farm (Graham's on Ravina, north of Keizer, nice trees). I shot the photos in raw, which is recommended for infrared, then de-saturated for the black and white. The bottom photo is as shot, with just a minor correction for exposure.


  1. These are very cool.

    I still have my Canon 10d. I'll sell it if you really want to go that route.

  2. If you still have it when I finish the book, it's a deal.

  3. Don't worry, it's not going anywhere.
