Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 38

I confess, I didn't take this photo today. I shot it in raw while I was in Virginia, then discovered I couldn't open it in PhotoShop 4, which is what I have loaded on my netbook. I really liked this old house, which I saw on the road to Ann Woodlief's house near Williamsburg.

Because I felt compelled to shoot something today, I opened my office window at home, sat up the tripod, and took a picture of some ivy growing on a fence. I'm already worried about how my photography will survive fall and winter, when it is dark when I leave and dark when I get home. Lots of photos of the dogs, cats, and Don, I suppose.


  1. I know how you feel!!! All I have photographed lately is yarn.....

  2. Ahem.

    Have you not seen all of my after dark shots? Most require a tripod.

    Darkness is not an excuse, not an excuse at all.

    Nice image of the ivy, btw.
