Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 211

In 2008 I took this photo of Charles "Duke" Covey at his home in Maryland. He served in the 101st Cavalry with my dad during World War II. At that time, he was suffering from lung cancer, and he died in 2010. The second photo was taken of Mr. Covey at the end of his training at Fort Campbell, right before leaving for England, then Germany. I can't think of a better photo to honor today.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 209

I will admit it. I have been bad. The camera rides around with me, but I've had trouble finding anything I want to photograph. All I see is gray rain. This photo was taken many (13? 14?) years ago with some dumb little camera I had then. Ted has been posting photos from his college years in honor of his graduation from USC (which was 10 long years ago). This photo brought it all back to me.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 205

Photos from the Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony today at DPSST.

And I still like taking photos of real photographers at work. I'm getting quite a collection.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 202

Coming back from our walk, Henry got into a fight with Lacey, the lab next door. I had separated them and was walking into the house, when Henry lunged to give Lacey one more "and stay away!" I dropped my camera trying to hang onto the leash. As soon as I got in the house and unleashed Henry, I snapped this photo through the kitchen window, just to see if the camera was still working. It was supposed to be a throwaway, but I kind of liked it.