Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 115--Negative space

Don and the dogs are halfway between here and LaGrande. It's dark outside. The cats hate having their picture taken, and I've already shot a photo of the inside of my refrigerator. The shop is a possibility, but it's cold and time is short. I am completely creeped out by guns, but fascinated by their geometery. So, it's back to the gun cabinet.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 112

Another shop shot. I hope to get some photos today of Ted and Karinya slaving away in their house, but just in case I don't ...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 109

The weather is nicer. I think I'll spend a few evenings in the shop. There is stuff EVERYWHERE.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 108--Baby Steps

This weekend, Don's sister gave everyone a CD with at least 100 old family photos on it. One of the photos was this one, which was probably taken by Don's brother Tom. At least that was everyone's guess. I don't think I ever heard the final word from Tom. It looked like an idea worth stealing.

So I tried with a pair of Faith's baby shoes (almost 30 years old now) and a photo of Faith and me when she was around three years old.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 107--Urban Chickens

The lesson I learned today was this: If you take your camera, take your tripod. I was sneaking one last look at the chickens my brother-in-law and his wife have in their northeast Portland yard, when I saw that they were roosting on the fence between their house and the neighbor's. It was getting dark, and my first few shots were underexposed, so I tried using the flash. That didn't work very well either. My first position was so far away, the flash wasn't effective, and when I got closer, it washed out their feathers. I tried slower and slower shutter speeds, but the sun was sinking so fast that by the time I got situated for photos from a good angle, I needed one full second exposure, and that was at ISO 1600. My choices were (1) feathers washed out from the flash, (2) photos that were way underexposed, (3) blurry chickens, or (4) using the flash on tight shots, which worked better for the feathers, but didn't show the fence. Not great photos, but great fun--and I learned that chickens like having their pictures taken almost as much as they like spying on the neighbors.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 106

I was trying to get a decent picture of all the Moisan siblings together, which was more difficult than you might think. After taking several photos that were fairly straightforward, I snapped this one. They might not agree, but I think it was the best of the lot.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 105

Tonight I had exactly five minutes to shoot and post my photo of the day. I had just stopped at Graham's Farm for eggs, and didn't even have time for much reflection. I grabbed the camera, poked it in the refrigerator, shot five times, and here is the only ... ONLY ... publishable result. By the way, that front egg really is that color: a greenish-bluish cream.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 100

I did some playing today with color (glass pens from Venice)

and black and white (my grandmother's button),

because I live in waterworld.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 98

I resorted to the roses on the coffee table today, then had some fun in Lightroom. I wanted to toy with color a little bit. Tomorrow I hope to have fun without color. I printed off a tutorial in high contrast B&W that looks like it could be fun. But for today, rose red. Or rose mauve as the case may be.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 97

I spent half an hour and a bag of treats trying to get the dogs to sit nice beside each other for a photo. Kip was perfect, but you can see by his expression he doubts my ability to get the job done. Henry kept running up closer to me to get his treat. When he didn't get it, he'd roll over, but that wasn't quite what I wanted.

I at least finally got them in the same shot, but this is the best Henry would give me. And Kip is really losing patience.

As always, when things fail with the dogs, I go find a cat. Sam was hoping that by hiding in the bookcase, Henry would think he was a book and just go away.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 96

I pass this tree almost every time I leave the house. I think it's a very cool tree. It stands next to this orchard ... if you squint your eyes you can almost imagine the dead leaves on these trees are blossoms and it's spring. Almost.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 93

My friend Terri sent me a link to an interesting article about infrared, so I went out first thing this morning to try and duplicate it. This is about as close as I came in the few minutes I had. Focusing is the hardest part when you are using an infrared lens. Once you have focused, you need to make sure it is on auto focus before putting on the infrared lens, which will limit any refocusing as you screw it on. That is probably what happened here. If there is still good light when I get home later today, I will try again.

Today's photo: winter apples.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 92

Winter roses, photographed on a lunge and sniff, lunge and sniff walk with Henry today.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 91

I started off the evening taking pictures of Don reading the newspaper. Just a tired dairy farmer trying to relax.

A tired dairy farmer whose puppy wanted attention--or to check the latest news. I couldn't be sure which.

Leading to my photo for today.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 90

If I've resorted to photographing recycling from a garage clean-up, it's time to go in search of inspiration--like a class or a new book. And get outside. I need to get outside. Just because it's cold and dark and I have puppy hanging off me--that shouldn't slow me down.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 89

It must be winter. I've picked up my crochet hook and dusted off the yarn.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 88

I don't mind the cold. In fact, the ice is even okay. I don't, however, think much of dark at 5 p.m.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 87

I've been looking for little bits of life and color in a pretty drab, wintry landscape.

Not much color, but a lot of life in this last photo.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 86

It was tough to decide between Henry on the ice and the cat on the fence, but the cat won out this time.