I had a creative photography class today, which was mostly about playing with shutter speed and focus for special effects. We practiced panning and using long shutter speeds while moving the camera on purpose, which is my new excuse for out-of-focus shots: "I did it on purpose for special effect."
We practiced on signs (moving the camera back and forth during a long explosure):

And plants (moving the camera up and down during a long exposure):
And cars (panning, which is harder than it sounds):

And we took our lenses off the cameras, turned them around, and held the lens end to the body of our cameras for an instant macro. If you have enough dexterity to do this AND change the focus while the shutter is open, you may end up with something like this:
On the way home from Portland, I stopped at the Woodburn Company Stores to try this new jiggly photography on a Christmas tree, but didn't want to (a) get out of the car, (b) take more than a minute, or (c) changes lenses, so I didn't quite get what I wanted. The tree isn't going anywhere for a while, so I will have to go back.